
Privacy Policy


This document shall be elucidated as a “Privacy Policy” as required by the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules promulgated thereunder.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 1st January 2024 (Mirthuni Apparel Sourcing Service) (We, our or us) is devoted to the trust relationship we have with you – our customers. Since its inception, we are dedicated to creating authentic products by leading with our values. We will match leading-edge technology with your privacy interests as we continue to innovate our products.

Browsing Information

We use cookies and web beacons to track the products you viewed and purchased online, the areas or pages you viewed on our platform, and other information related to your browser and browsing behavior. Browsing information is used by us to improve the design and content of our platform, to suggest content and products that we believe may be of interest to you, and to assist us in learning things like which pages and interfaces are most appealing to our visitors, what promotions visitors prefer to see, and to assess the success of our advertising campaigns.


A “cookie” is a text file that websites send to a visitor’s computer or other Internet-connected device to uniquely identify the visitor’s browser. When you browse through our platform, unique cookies are placed on your browser. The cookie’s purpose is to differentiate your browser from all other browsers that visit our sites. We can better serve you if we recognize your browser. For instance, the cookies allow us to hold the selections in your shopping cart when you man oeuvre from the order page on our platform and then return to finish the order; cookies prevent you from starting over with your shopping. We can also track which pages of our platform your browser visited and whether you purchased a product. That way, we can track things like the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. Working with third-party advertising companies, using cookies allow us to provide you with customized banner ads on various websites, applications, customized content on our platform, and customized emails that we believe will be more practical than randomly generated advertisements and content because they are based on your previous purchases and page visits to our platform.

Interest-Based Advertising

Interest-based advertising has now become commonplace on the Internet. It is the term we use to describe the activity that allows us to tailor advertisements to your interests and activities. Third-party advertising companies with whom we collaborate, or we may examine your browsing activity, such as the types of content you access, advertisements you click on, and searches you conduct. We can then infer your interests and place ads, and offer you deals that are relevant to your needs. Our goal with interest-based advertising is to show advertisements to people who are presumably interested in the products we offer.

Personally identifiable information

Personally identifiable information’s any information that either directly or indirectly identifies you. Your name, email, gender, date of birth, phone number, shipping address, credit card information, purchase history, and voice from our recorded call sessions are examples that we may collect.

Third-Party Advertising Companies

Certain companies are allowed to collect information from our platform’s browsers in order to serve interest-based ads. These businesses are typically third-party ad servers, ad agencies, technology vendors, or providers of sponsored content. These companies collect data from a specific browser about web viewing behaviors over time and across unrelated websites using cookies and web beacons. They then use that data to predict user preferences and deliver advertisements to that browser that are calculated to target the indicated preferences of that browser.

Trusted Business Partners

We collaborate with industry-leading business partners who assist us in running our platform and providing vital services to our customers and viewers. Our business associates may change over time, but we remain committed to establishing relationships with third parties who are committed to providing you with a safe and satisfying experience on our platform. Our trusted business partners have contractually agreed to collect and use any information collected from you on our platform or on our behalf under this Privacy Policy.

Web Beacons

Web beacons will be recognizing specific cookies that have been placed on your browser when you visit our platform. Web beacons can communicate information that a browser with a recognized cookie has accessed a page or a specific part of a page on our platform, depending on the location of the web beacon on the platform. A web beacon on our purchase confirmation page, for example, will record that a browser with a recognized cookie accessed that page, implying that the browser was used to purchase a product. The web beacon, on the other hand, does not tell us that you specifically (via PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION) purchased any product because the cookie only identifies the browser and not you personally.

Web beacons are used to suggest content and products that we believe may be of interest to you, to assess the efficacy of our advertising campaigns, and to improve our platform by recognizing the pages that are visited and whether those visits result in purchases. Web beacons also enable the third-party advertising companies with whom we collaborate to select and serve banner advertisements to your browser that you are likely to be interested in.


What Information Do We Collect?

We collect PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION at various touch points, such as when you register with our platform, make a purchase on one of our platforms, or use any of our services in any other way. We combine Pll collected from you on the platform with Pll obtained from third parties, which include our credible business partners and social media platforms.

Your browsing information automatically gets collected when you visit our platform. This type of browsing data is associated with an anonymous IP identifier and is not associated with you personally. If this browsing information is linked to information that can be used to personally identify you, we will treat it as PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION.

Every so often, you may provide us with, and we may collect from you, third-party PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION (for instance, for delivery purposes). It is your duty to ensure that any third-party Pll you provide us with is aware of:

a) this Privacy Policy; and

b) the fact that you are sharing their Pll with us.

While you have the option of using a pseudonym or remaining anonymous when dealing with us, doing so may thwart us from providing you with products and services or for other purposes described in this Privacy Policy. This is especially applicable when you buy goods online or need them delivered to your registered postal address.

You are not required to provide any Pll to us; however, if you do not, we will not be in a situation to provide you with the products, or services, or benefits requested by you.

For the purposes of this Policy, any information you share about yourself, whether Pll or not, in an open public forum – in user-generated content elements of our platform, on a social network – will be considered public information. Although we value and sometimes request your feedback, it is best not to post it if you are not comfortable with the feedback getting public.

Who Collects Information?

When you interact with us via our platform, call centers, associated entities, service providers, applications, our website, or mobile website, we collect information from you. We may also obtain information about you from third parties, such as social media platforms or our trusted business partners, who gather information from you on our behalf in order to assist us in operating our platform and providing services of interest to you. We may obtain your PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION from third parties who choose to share it with us. Please also consider our dependable business partners.

Third-party advertising companies are also allowed to collect your browsing information in order to provide ads tailored to your interests on our behalf. For further information on interest-based ads and your options regarding your data, see the “Interest-Based Advertising Section” below.

When you interact with us through our platform, we may collect information in a variety of ways. It may be gathered in obvious, active ways, such as when you make a purchase when you provide your details, such as name and address or other information when using the customer service chat feature, when entering a contest or sweepstakes, or when uploading a photo or product review to our platform. It may also be collected in a passive manner or automatically when you visit and navigate our platform via cookies and web beacons, which capture your browsing information and allow us and third-party advertising companies to better customize content and advertising to you.

In general, the collection of your Pll, browsing information, and information you post or provide may differ depending on the purpose, functionality, or unique aspects of our application and website.

Use and Sharing of Collected Information

We collect information in accordance with this Privacy Policy for a variety of purposes.

We use your information collected to:

a. Complete transactions and otherwise facilitate your online shopping experience, including product deliveries.

b. Provide you with product and service information and promotional materials.

c. Respond to any questions, comments, complaints, or other correspondence you may have with us;

d. Make it easier for you to participate in competitions, promotions, and special offers.

We use your browsing data to analyze our platform, consumer behavior, and services and offerings.

We use your browsing and shopping history to serve you interest-based advertising.

We may use details you post in public areas (whether on a third-party social network or in user-generated content elements of our platform) to provide you with an interactive social media experience that incorporates elements of your social networking community into our platform.

All of the above information may be used for administrative purposes such as quality control, procurement, loss prevention, planning, and development.

We may use both your Pll and de-identified data for analytic purposes.

Your PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION will never be shared with third parties for marketing purposes or for any other reason than what is stated in this privacy statement.

Any trusted business partner who receives Pll is contractually prohibited from discussing, disclosing, or using such PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION for any purpose other than providing us with the services for which we have contracted. We might disclose your browsing information and additional information that does not include your Pll to third parties. In such cases, however, your information is aggregated with that of others and does not identify you individually.

Unless specifically required or permitted by law, we do not collect or use Pll in ways that are irreconcilable with the purposes for which it was initially collected or subsequently authorized by you.

We may share Personally identifiable information and browsing data within our family of brands and businesses that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with Mijoosh.com:

with our service providers, which include deliveries, couriers, internet service providers, IT system administrators, promotions firms, marketing consultants, payment processors, mailing houses, and other third-party suppliers with whom we do business; with our professional advisors and consultants; with our call centers and associated entities.

These parties follow their own privacy policies that govern the way they handle PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION.

If Mijoosh.com or one of its associated entities is sold, merged, or acquired, or if we transfer some or all of our assets, we may disclose or transfer Pll and browsing information as part of that transaction. You will have the option to opt-out of any such transfer if, in our opinion, it will result in the handling of your Personally identifiable information in a manner that is materially inconsistent with that described in this Privacy Policy.

In case we want to share your Pll with other third parties either for marketing purposes or otherwise use your details in a way that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy. In that case, we will first obtain your consent.



You will be given the right to change or correct your information that you provide us in order to fulfil an order or sign up for an online offer or contest, along with the option not to receive marketing material from us when you provide us with Pll.

You have several options for controlling how we use any PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION you provide in connection with promotional communications.

You can access, update, or correct your choices and settings when you create an account or click “Sign In” from any page on our platform.

If your personal information, such as your address or phone number, changes, please contact us at if you wish to do so. If you get email marketing communications from us on behalf of one of our brands and wish to opt-out of receiving such communications in the future from that brand, click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the end of the promotional email.

Unless a local law exception applies, we will provide you with a copy of any Pll that we hold about you upon receiving a written request. Please contact us at care@Mijoosh.com if you wish to do so. If you are unable to correct your Pll through your account or are facing any issue managing your communication preferences, feel free to contact us at and we will take reasonable steps to correct that information, unless a local law exemption applies.

Feel free to write to us at any time to request to make amendments in certain Pll that you believe are incorrect or irrelevant or to request that we block, erase, or otherwise remove your PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION. In compliance with local law, we will update, block, erase, or terminate your Pil upon request.

Please be informed that some of the user content you provide to us and that appears on our platform (for example, photos you submit to participate in competitions or for review) may be stored and controlled by third-party providers. While we will be taking reasonable steps to comply with your requests regarding your PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION, this may not be possible in some limited circumstances. If such is the case, we will try to provide you with the contact information for the appropriate third-party provider so that you can contact them directly.

You may revoke or withdraw your consent to provide us with your Pll at any time by writing to us. However, such behaviour may make it impossible for us to assist you further via our platform.


We take every reasonable step to ensure that your Pll that we process is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, and any of your Pll that we process that you inform us is inaccurate (having regard to the purposes for which they are processed) is erased or rectified. You may ask to correct and update your personal information or delete your account directly by writing to our support team at care@Mijoosh.com You may delete certain non-mandatory information by writing to our support team.

You won’t be able to access your order history or print a proof of purchase or invoice after your account is cancelled; neither you nor anyone else will be able to access it.

Please note:

Your account is no longer accessible to you or anyone else once it has been closed, and it cannot be reinstated. You’ll need to register a new account if you plan to order from us again in the future or if you want to use website services that require an account.

If you have any pending orders that you would like to receive, please wait for them to be delivered before requesting that your account be closed. Please cancel any pending orders in Your Account if you no longer wish to receive them. You’ll need to establish a new account if you plan to order from us again in the future or if you want to access website features that require a password.

Interest-Based Advertising

Although our systems do not recognize browser “Do Not Track” signals, several of the third-party advertising companies that use cookies on our platform to provide interest-based advertising allow you to opt-out of those practices. If you want to learn more about interest-based advertising and see what options you have regarding how companies use your information,

please visit http://aboutads.info/choices/ or http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/.

Neither do we control nor operate these websites, nor are we responsible for the opt-out options available on them. The only way to completely avoid online tracking is to configure your browser to turn down cookies or to notify you whenever a cookie is set. Please keep in mind that even if you opt out of interest-based advertising on or through http://www.networkadvertising.org or other sites or services, you may still be receiving marketing material from us because interest-based advertising is only one type of advertising. As stated above, you have the option to opt-out of receiving any marketing materials from us.

At last, it is important to note that in most cases, opting out results in the placement of an “opt-out cookie” on your browser. Subsequently, if you delete, block, or otherwise restrain cookies or use a different computer or browser, you must renew your opt-out preference.

Controlling Cookies

Because cookies and web beacons are the technologies that are generally used to collect browsing information, you can block cookies to control data collection related to interest-based advertising. Typically, you can do so through your browser. Check the technical information for your browser for instructions. Preventing your browser from accepting cookies precludes the collection of your browsing information for the purpose of delivering interest-based advertisements. It may, however, disable or interfere with shopping features on our sites and other sites that you visit. Cookies, for example, enable us to save your shopping cart selections when you navigate away from the order page and then return to it. When you return to our sites, cookies allow us to recognize you as an account holder. Most browsers automatically accept cookies.

Interacting with social media on our Platform

Many of our customers use and enjoy the tools provided by social media, and we include links to several social media platforms on our platform. If you use our platform to interact with these social media tools, your experience on those social media sites will be subject to the privacy and other policies of those platforms. The extent to which your information is made public will be determined by the privacy settings you have selected on those sites. You are advised to adjust your privacy settings on those sites accordingly.


Links to other websites may be found on our platform. A link to any of the third-party websites does not imply that we support or are affiliated with it. We have no control over third-party websites. You use such third-party websites or content entirely at your own risk. Before providing any information to a third-party website, you should always read its privacy policy.

Additional privacy policies may apply in cases where we run promotions or make special offers. You are always recommended to check to see if any additional privacy provisions apply.


Our platform is only available to people who can form legally binding contracts under the Indian Contract Act of 1872. Persons who are deemed ‘incompetent to contract’ under the Indian Contract Act of 1872, including minors, are ineligible to use our platform. A minor (any person under the age of 18 is defined as a minor) should not use, access, or transact on our platform. If a minor wishes to use, transact, or provide Pll on our platform, such Pll must be provided by a legal guardian or parents.

Furthermore, we do not intentionally collect Pll from children under the age of 18. If we find out that we have received Pll inadvertently from a child who is below the age of 18 years, we will instantly delete that information from our system.


We keep your Pll confidential, and by contract, we require each of our trusted business partners who may have access to such Pll to do the same. In turn, our trusted business partners may share information with their own service providers under similar confidentiality restrictions.

We will not under any situation sell, trade, or otherwise transfer any of your Pll to any of our third-party without first obtaining your permission. Outside parties do not include Mijoosh.com India-owned businesses or our trusted business partners who assist us in operating and providing services on our platform.

Of course, we reserve the right to make a disclosure if we reasonably believe it is required by law, to enforce our platform policies, or to protect your or others’ rights, property, or safety.


Your Personally identifiable information (PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION) and any other information that we collected is processed in strict compliance with the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000, and the rules promulgated thereunder. While processing, storing, or handling any Personal detail or Sensitive Personal Data or Information (as defined under applicable law) that we collect from you, we maintain and enforce ‘Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures’ as specified in the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011, and the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures.

However, by providing us with information, you acknowledge and agree that data transmissions are never entirely private or secure. You acknowledge that any message, detail, or information you send to us may be read or intercepted by others and that you do so at your own risk, even if a specific transmission is encrypted. Despite that, we maintain security measures in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws, regulations, and industry practices to protect the Personally identifiable information (PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION) you provide to us from accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized use or disclosure.

In order to encrypt sensitive information transmitted from your computer to our servers, we may use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. When you disseminate your information or communicate with customer service via email or chat on our platform, however, these communications are handled using unsecured transmissions. Please be informed that any information you provide (email address, payment information, etc.) may be accessible to others. For this reason, we advise you to exercise caution and refrain from sharing sensitive information through these communication channels. Disclosure to other countries

Please be informed that your personally identifiable information, browsing information, and communications may be transferred to and stored on servers or databases located outside of India. Furthermore, we may disclose your Pll to our affiliates, associated entities, call centres, resellers, wholesale partners, and service providers located outside of India for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

By providing us with your Pll, you agree to the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer of your Personally identifiable information and browsing information to those countries, and you acknowledge that the laws of those countries will govern communications. You may request that we not transfer your Pll to countries other than India; however, we may be unable to provide the services or products you have requested if you do.


The contact information for the Grievance Officer is provided below in accordance with the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules manifested thereunder.

Please contact the Grievance Officer if you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about our Privacy Policy.

Address: 41/121 Sixth Street Amarjothi AS nagar,Kangeyam Road Tirupur 641604 India

Email: care@Mijoosh.com

Updates to the Privacy Policy

In the case we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will publish the updated version on our platform. Suppose the policy changes in a material way that may be detrimental to you; we may also post a notice on our platform or send an email describing the changes. You should check our platform on a regular basis to see if there have been any recent changes to this Privacy Policy. The changes will come into force on the date indicated in the revised Privacy Policy as the most recently updated date. You agree to the revised Privacy Policy by continuing to use our platform.

privacy policy by mijoosh

MIJOOSH.COM uses cookies to enhance user experience by remembering preferences and tracking site interactions. They employ various types of cookies, including functional, performance, advertising, and social media cookies. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies.
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